15 May 2011

The White Horse of Plague.
There are yet plagues ravaging our world. In addition to these perilous epidemics, we each encounter illness and injury in life. We must tend and heal, suffer and survive these adversities in each generation. Approaching these troubles with empathy and grace and hope is part of what makes us human. And it is essential to sustaining human life- the life of the body and the soul.
The Red Horse of War.
Our nation is perennially (if not perpetually) at war. And of course we do not fight alone. In addition to these military hostilities, we are individually and collectively prone to conflict and power struggles. In the face of injustice, and any form of disrespect, conflict is natural and necessary. It may come as an opportunity to effect positive and lasting change when entered with courage and compassion.
The Pale Horse of Death.
Among our challenges in life is facing mortality, the ultimate passing of everything and everyone we love that lives. And within the course of life there are many deaths, losses that cannot be regained, painful ends of many kinds. The way we honor these transitions, however merciful or tragic, is one of the greatest tests of our humanity.

The Black Horse of Famine.
Yes, there are people all over the world facing actual famines. Even within the United States many contend with malnutrition. Beyond that, this Black Horse is a symbol of various lacks, longings and unmet needs.

02 May 2011

Four Horses

As a child in Sunday school I was introduced to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. These Four appear as harbingers of our doom in that final book of the Christian Bible. This was a frightening teaching for a small child, perhaps a person of any age. I continued to be haunted by these ominous characters, even into adulthood. Now I see them differently. These Horsemen (or Horses as they are portrayed in my work) are not signs of a dreadful end, but representative of what we must contend with to endure individually and collectively.
