24 January 2014

Notes on Models

Models play many different roles in my figurative work. Yes, they supply poses, gestures, visages, as one might expect, but they also provide content. Whether "sketched" with pencils, paint or the camera, I usually take in more than I ever sought.

How often do I stage an envisioned scenario, only to discover something different, perhaps even divergent, in the modeling session? Almost always. And for that creative stimulus, I am deeply grateful to those who have made themselves available to my process.

Here is some evidence of a recent collaboration with Danica and Teresa:

[Pour I, II, III, 2014. Graphite on Paper, 8x10" each.]


  1. This sereice of drawings will be on view in the annual Teapot Show at Missoula's Clay Studio in March 2014.

  2. That should read... "This series of drawings..."

  3. I wanted to share a link to the Clay Studio, but I'm having some difficulty getting that to publish. Here we go again...

